Inu Yube Crafted White Sage Drops 15ml


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White Sage (Salvia Apiana)

Sage is known to stimulate the nervous system and digestive tract. It also considered
a memory strengthener and an herbal way to good health! Medicinally, its benefits
are numerous, including its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-aging


White Sage (Salvia Apina) and 60% Food Grade Ethanol

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White Sage (Salvia Apiana)

Sage is known to stimulate the nervous system and digestive tract. It also considered
a memory strengthener and an herbal way to good health! Medicinally, its benefits
are numerous, including its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-aging

A mild tonic it stimulates the central nervous system and strengthening it to reduce
excess nervous energy. It has been used to quiet the nerves, relieve spasms, induce
sleep and combat depression, mental exhaustion, trembling and nervousness. It has
been used to calm seasickness, and traditionally some herbalists considered it useful
in treating certain forms of insanity.

Sage is considered an antiperspirant and natural deodorizer that works from inside
out. Sage contains tannins and volatile oils and seems to have the ability to dry up
perspiration and slow excessive saliva flow. This is also helpful for reducing the
heavy perspiration of night sweats and hot flashes.

Sage has been used as an old and trusted remedy for drying up breast milk when
women wish to stop nursing. It has also been used for clearing and drying mucous
congestion in the nasal passages and airways of the respiratory tract.

This drying effect is also used to treat diarrhea. And it is said to promote good
digestion and considered one of the best remedies for stomach issues. Sage can
ease gas pains, stimulate the appetite, remove mucus in the stomach and relieve
biliousness and dyspepsia so it is said to keep the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver,
spleen and sexual organs healthy.

Sage leaf extract is thought to be a stimulant that strengthens the brain and
promotes wisdom. Since ancient times, it has had a reputation for slowing down the
aging process and bringing long life. It also appears to be a memory strengthener, by
helping to restore failing memory in the elderly and improving concentration in
everyone who uses it.

Sage is often used to bring on suppressed menstruation and it is said to help
regulate its flow. Modern researchers have claimed that Sage has phytoestrogenic
effects on the body that may even treat estrogen deficiency. So Sage is useful for the
relief of hot flashes that result from either hysterectomy or menopause.

Other studies claim that as a stimulant it increases circulation and relieves
headaches and is gaining a reputation for improving circulation to the heart.
A powerful antioxidant, it can inhibit destructive and harmful free-radical compounds.
It is also an anti-inflammatory that helps to shrink and soothe inflamed tissue.

Sage, as an antifungal, has shown to exhibit anti-yeast activity against Candida
albicans; and inhibited antiviral activity in herpes simplex virus II and influenza virus
A2. It has been used to assist in healing wounds by protecting against infection and
stimulating cell growth.

Sage, used topically, has antiseptic properties that will clean sores and old ulcers,
treat cuts, wounds, and bruises, and help to stop bleeding and encourage healing.
And when used externally, it is helpful for insect bites, infections of the throat, mouth,
gum, skin infections and vaginal discharge.

Sage has been useful in treating intestinal and respiratory infections and also been
effective in breaking fevers, reducing cold symptoms, treating dysentery and
expelling worms and parasites.

Used for gargling, it is known as an antiseptic remedy for disorders affecting the
mouth and throat, i.e. dental abscesses, infected gums, mouth ulcers, sore and
bleeding gums, loose teeth, cold sores, sore throat, tonsillitis and throat infections.
Sage is used in baths as a relaxant and is said to soothe sore muscles.


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